Flip your planning script! Skills-based knowledge is essential to empower our learners today to take action in their worlds. Come to this session to learn how to prioritize skills through inquiry over content.
As educators, we must understand the impact racial microaggressions have on teaching and learning while developing an intellectual identity. Teachers must do the arduous personal work of addressing their own implicit bias while creating psychologically safe classrooms. This session is designed to allow participants to gain a clear understanding of how to interrupt microaggressions while preserving relationships.
What should middle level educators and students know about non-binary identities? How can we make our schools safe for non-binary students and employees? This presentation/discussion will offer some answers and also create space for participants to share their knowledge and experiences as well.
In this engaging session, we embark on a journey to navigate the shifting discussion on DEI. Change is a constant, and as the tides shift, so do opportunities. This session is designed to equip participants to navigate the ocean of change, harnessing ideas to sail smoothly and chart clear pathways for our schools.
Participants in this workshop will learn about the process MCCPS uses to develop student portfolios beginning in grade 4, and using through grade 8. Using Google Sites, students are supported as they develop their portfolios and provided with many opportunities for personalization, reflection and growth. Each portfolio shows their growth over time and incorporates goal setting, then with support of a member of the faculty, students present their learning to important people in their life.
Many schools are focused on equity, yet they struggle to form relationships with their students of color. They know the buzzwords, they’ve increased representation in curriculum, and they’ve had professional development, yet minute-to-minute they struggle to connect with diverse students. This presentation will help schools and educators move past this point. A framework for supporting students of color at all age levels will be discussed, including a progression of support which helps students becoming independent learners.
Remember all those conversations you had about race as a teen? Me neither! Students with dark skin are the majority and need race conversations. Attend this session to learn strategies that promote critical race discussions leading to healthier development of Students of the Global Majority and all other students.
The Academic Leadership Association’s award-winning program empowers youth to create positive change within themselves and their communities through mentoring, literacy, and self-advocacy, while addressing their social-emotional needs. We provide tiered interventions, support staff, students, and families, and foster connections through home visits, community outings, and vacation camps, bridging school, family, and community.
How would you respond as an educator if you discovered that 10% of your students are experiencing daily bullying; from teachers? How can you positively impact a group of marginalized students of which almost half experience suicide ideation? Learn effective strategies you can use to help this population.